CORESTA Sub-Group TSNA in Air-Cured and Fired-Cured Tobacco
CORESTA Sub-Group TSNA in Air-Cured and Fired-Cured Tobacco
CORESTA Sub-Group TSNA in Air-Cured and Fire-Cured Tobacco
(Established as TSNA Task Force in 2002)
Chair: Colin Fisher, University of Kentucky, USA
Current Objectives
- To determine proper placement of data loggers in curing barns to best represent the true curing conditions within the barn and produce a CORESTA Guide on data logger placement and calibration.
- Sampling (a) To define proper sampling method of post-cure tobacco for TSNA determination. (b) To determine the optimal method for sample preparation for TSNA determination.
- To collect available TSNA presentations and papers and publish them on the CORESTA website.
TSNA Subgroup Reports
Krakow 2007
Storage SC report
Shanghai 2008
no report