Dark Tobacco
Dark Tobacco

CORESTA Sub-Group TSNA in Air-Cured and Fired-Cured Tobacco

CORESTA Sub-Group TSNA in Air-Cured and Fired-Cured Tobacco

CORESTA Sub-Group TSNA in Air-Cured and Fired-Cured Tobacco

CORESTA Sub-Group TSNA in Air-Cured and Fire-Cured Tobacco
(Established as TSNA Task Force in 2002)

Chair:  Colin Fisher, University of Kentucky, USA

Current Objectives

  1. To determine proper placement of data loggers in curing barns to best represent the true curing conditions within the barn and produce a CORESTA Guide on data logger placement and calibration.
  2. Sampling (a) To define proper sampling method of post-cure tobacco for TSNA determination. (b) To determine the optimal method for sample preparation for TSNA determination.
  3. To collect available TSNA presentations and papers and publish them on the CORESTA website.

TSNA Subgroup Reports

Bucharest 2003

Kyoto 2004

Brazil 2005

Paris 2006

Krakow 2007
Storage SC report

Shanghai 2008
no report 

Rovinj 2009

Edinburgh 2010 

Santiago 2011

Sapporo 2012

Brufa di Torgiano 2013 

Quebec 2014

Izmir 2015

Berlin 2016

Santa Cruz 2017

Kunming 2018

Victoria Falls 2019

Dr. Andy Bailey 
Dark Tobacco Production,

Dr. Bob C. Pearce
Burley Tobacco Production


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Contact Information

Dr. Andy Bailey
Dark Tobacco Extension Specialist

348 University Drive Princeton, KY 42445-0469

(270) 365-7541
