- Burley and Dark Tobacco Production Guide 2021-2022
- Production of Connecticut Broadleaf Cigar Wrapper Tobacco in Kentucky and Tennessee
- Comparison of Herbicide Systems for Dark Fire-Cured Tobacco
- Minimizing the Effects of Frost Damage in Tobacco
- Revised Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendations for Tobacco
- Drowning, Wet Feet, & Blow Over
- Alternative Sucker Control Methods
- Premature and Early Bloom in Tobacco
- Limitations and Benefits to Cultivating Tobacco
- Dealing with Chemical Injury in Tobacco
- Introductory Safety Training for Tobacco Workers
Disease Management
- Fungicide Guide for Burley and Dark Tobacco
- Maintaining the Efficacy of Foliar Fungicides for Tobacco Disease Management
- Blackleg of Tobacco
- Collar Rot in the Tobacco Float System
- Managing Target Spot and Rhizoctonia Damping-Off in the Float System
- Pythium Root Rot in Tobacco Float Systems
- Southern Blight
- Black Root Rot in Tobacco
Soils and Fertility
- Managing Slowly Permeable Soils for Tobacco and Corn Production in Kentucky
- Liming and Fertilizing Burley Tobacco
- Managing Acid Soils for Production of Burley Tobacco
- Tobacco Stalks and Stems Fertility Value and Use
- Manganese Toxicity in Burley Tobacco
Float Beds and Transplant
- Management of Tobacco Float Systems
- Selecting a Tobacco Transplant Production System
- Tobacco Float Bed Basics
- Tobacco Transplant Production: Plug and Transfer System
- Effect of Tray Type and Tray Covering on Wicking Speed, Germination, and Spiral Rooting of Tobacco
- Measurement of Temperature Extremes in Tobacco Float Systems
- Water Quality Guidelines for Tobacco Float Systems
- Selecting the Right Fertilizer for Tobacco Production in Float Systems
- Collar Rot in the Tobacco Float System
- Managing Target Spot and Rhizoctonia Damping-Off in the Float System
- Pythium Root Rot in Tobacco Float Systems
- Collar Rot in the Tobacco Float System
- Tobacco Float Media Test
- Dark Tobacco Float Bed Report
- Tobacco Float Media Test
- Tobacco Greenhouse Soilless Media Test
Harvesting and Curing Tobacco
- Mold on Curing Tobacco
- Proper Curing Management to Minimize the Occurrence of Houseburn in Tobacco
- Delayed Curing Spot
- Double Crop Curing Dark Fired Tobacco
- Sucker Control in Burley and Dark Tobaccos
- Dark Tobacco Sucker Control
- Movable Tobacco Curing Frames
- Post-Tier Rail and Typar or Metal-Covered Tobacco Field Curing Structures
- High Tensile Wire or Cable Tobacco Field Curing Structure
- Low Cost Post-Row Field Tobacco Curing Framework
- One-Tier Plastic-Covered Tobacco Curing Structure: Tier Rail Design
- Two-Tier Air-Cure Tobacco Barn
- Harvesting, Curing, and Preparing Dark Air Cured Tobacco for Market
- Harvesting, Curing, and Preparing Dark Fired-Cured Tobacco for Market
- Proper Curing Management to Minimize Green Tobacco